Brush & Cork was designed to create a new kind of creative experience in the Mother Lode by providing a casual, fun place to express the creativity that exists in everyone.
Inviting non-artists, as well as artists into an artist studio to experience the joy and freedom of a relaxing evening (or day) bringing out their inner Picassos with friends.
Where else can you share a bottle of wine, laughter, and paint with those you love? Opening to a guided tour of your creative self by an experienced artist and teacher, you can share the fun with friends and leave with a feeling of true accomplishment and inspiration. Brush & Cork combines the joy of sharing a good bottle of wine, a new experience, and personal fulfillment all rolled up into one great 2 to 3 hour package of non-threatening fun. Wow! Really?
Judy Grossman, owner of Brush & Cork and JG Designs received her Bachelor of Fine Art from California College of The Arts, in Oakland, CA and her Teaching Credential from San Francisco State University, in 1975, and went on to establish herself as an accomplished sign artist, designer, mural artist, fine artist, and teacher for over 30 years. She has painted murals in Pontiac, ILL, San Jose del Cabo, Baja, Danville, ILL, Minneapolis, MN, Plymouth, WI, Kewanee, ILL and most recently designed and directed the community mural in downtown Sonora for the Sonora Farmers? Market commemorating one of the vendors who died, tragically; and the Mark Twain mural at the entrance to Angels Camp. Judy started looking for another place to have fun with art, as she realized how much she missed teaching and sharing her expertise with people. Her ?Ah-Haaa? moment came as she was researching her options on the internet. She found Wine and Paint parties popping up all over the country. What a fun thing!??Offer everyone the opportunity to experience the same fun that I have when I paint!?, she thought. Making learning so much fun that people just wanna do it over and over again. And with a little wine, the fun just takes off and turns into a party.
Recipe for Brush & Cork:
- Friends
- Wine and Snacks
- Paint
- Relaxing Space
- No Experience Necessary
- All Supplies Included
- Trained Instruction
- Pour, stir, mix, squiggle, slop, splatter, wash, add colorful, whimsy, and relax for 2 to 3 hours.
Leave Brush & Cork with three gifts for yourself… a piece of art that you created and a complete sense of accomplishment, and a really fun evening sharing good times with friends. Try it once and you will be amazed with yourself and your abilities!
Brush & Cork
A Little Wine, A Little Paint, A Lotta Fun!